
Referworks and Endnote

“Referworks”in result output page can help you to import your research results into some bibliographic manager software such as Endnote. Please follow the steps below on how to use “Referworks” to import data into Endnote.



The first step

Please download the filter from and copy it to the exact folder on your computer : C:\Program Files\EndNote 9\Filters.


The second step

  • Click the “file” menu and select “new” to create a reference library;
  • Click “import” and a dialogue box pops up;
  • Click the button “choose file” to select the file you would like to import, and click “import option” to choose CNKI filter. If CNKI filter is not in the list , please click “other filters” to find it.
  • Click “Import” to finish the whole process and you will see that all the references in CNKI’s Result page have been imported into Endnote.


  1. 打开Endnote
  2. 点击File菜单,选择New来新建一个参考文献库(当然也可打开现有的文献库)
  3. 点击import,弹出一个对话框
  4. 点击choose file 来选择刚下载的RefWorks.txt,在import option中选择CNKI filter。如果它不在列中,点击other filters来找
  5. 在text translation中选择Unicode(UTF-8)
  6. 点击import来完成整个导入过程,你会发现所有在CNKI搜索结果中的文献已经被导入到Endnote了
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